Small Groups for Adults

Sunday morning Small Groups:

If You Want to Walk on Water... This is an open Small Group that will meet the third Sunday of the month from 9:15am until 10:15am beginning September 18 . If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat is a six-session Bible study helps you answer Christ's call to greater faith, power-filled deeds, and a new way of knowing how to discern God's call, transcend fear, risk faith, manage failure, and trust God. Relates the story in Matthew 14 to life today. This Small Group has a service focus and will meet in the North Fellowship Hall.

The BEMA Podcast Small Group is an "open group", which means anyone can attend each meeting whenever they are able to come. They meet on Sunday mornings, between the two services, from about 9:15am to about 10:15am in the Preschool Big Room. They listen to a podcast (or part of a podcast) by Marty Solomon that is a walk through the bible and then have some time for discussion about what he have heard and learned in the podcast. Marty is a Christian Pastor with a Jewish background and heritage. His passion is to help his listeners understand the culture and languages of God's people at the time the bible was written, to help them learn to become comfortable asking questions about what we have read in the bible and to understand that God wants us to partner with him in bringing his kingdom of Shalom to the world that he loves.  This group is led by Tim Anderson.

  • Wednesday Morning Bible Study

  • Pub Theology

  • Card Ministry

  • Nativity Book Group

  • Women’s Study Group

  • Nativity Quilters

  • NPK Pals

  • Yard Guard

  • Chair Yoga